Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A peek at Paul

Old NY Times and war correspondent clips

As a newspaperman, I once wrote under the name Roger Conant. I began using the name Paul Conant, the name on my driver license, in the early 1990s.

Many more recent clippings must exist somewhere, but those below are a few I was able to find on the internet. This is nuts and bolts stuff. The barn-burners are nowhere to be found.

But that lack doesn’t really matter, as my purpose in presenting these clips is not to boast (really, who cares?), but simply to assure you media people on this list that I really am one of you.

I’ve also tossed in a couple of war reporting features that were located by my son Christopher. My war reporting appeared in the Star-Ledger, New Jersey’s largest newspaper, the New York Daily News, at the time the nation’s largest circulation daily, the Stars and Stripes, a newspaper for service members, and elsewhere.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Funny Stuff Funnies
archived version of e-book

What are the top mind chems? Table of content for Funny Stuff Funnies
People will swallow anything
Is alcohol a problem for you?
Signs of alcohol trouble
Why do people drink?
Beer, wine or liquor?
Mixed up and overloaded
What are abuse and addiction
Can't stop? More about addiction
Jab jitters: problems from needles
Sex and chems
Mind benders
Legal but iffy
Non-prescription meds
Steroids and sports chems
Mood boosters, psychiatric meds
Severe mental problems
Roads to recovery, step by step
For help or info, check out these links
Some fentanyl victims
A word from the cartoonist
Concerning source material
A peek at paul